John Markum

Markum’s Bible Studies

I’m super excited to share my first self-published bible study though the book of Philippians, Developing Joy. I originally wrote this Bible study for our church small groups, and decided more people could benefit from this resource.

Along those lines, I thought, Why stop there? So I started looking over recent sermon series I’ve taught that would make sense in a small group or personal devotional context. I recently preached an 8-week series through Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7) and thought, Well that makes sense too. I’m now over halfway done with converting that entire series into a second Bible study as well. So with humility and sincere gratitude for all the opportunities I’ve been given to speak, teach, and share God’s Word over the years, I’m pleased to be offering Markum’s Bible Studies. I have much more in my heart to offer, and I look forward to sharing my perspective and insights of the Word of God with everyone willing to grow and learn with me.

Future studies you can anticipate will include each of the Gospels, Genesis, the Old Testament history of Israel, Ephesians, 1 John, various Psalms, and much more.

I don’t take for granted the thought that anyone would care to listen to anything I have to say or write. Honestly, I’m still blown away that I get to preach, and write to anyone. So I’m grateful to share a little more of what’s in my heart through these studies. God’s Word continues to shape my life and reveals more and more to me over the years I’ve committed studying it. I hope you’ll allow it to shape you also.

Pastor John

Book Review: Four Portraits, One Jesus

Few books have impacted my appreciation for the Scriptures like Four Portraits, One Jesus. In this book, Dr. Strauss deeply embraces the rich uniqueness of each Gospel account, while underscoring the complex intertwining of the accounts. Special attention is given to textual criticism in the early chapters, making way into the historical context leading up to the life of Jesus.

Each chapter on respective Gospel accounts also highlights the writers motive, approach, writing style, intended audience, and key themes. I particularly loved the attention to each writer-s literary style, and what that reveals about their purpose for writing. Previously, I would have found preciously little nuance between the Synoptic Gospels, but now I recognize each as extremely distinct, and yet corroborating with one another. John of course, stands out. The book addresses the theories behind these stark differences, and yet weaves it into the larger story of Jesus’ earthly ministry.

If you get and read this book, I believe you’ll fall deeper in love with the story of Jesus, and the Person Himself. Buy the book here on Amazon.

Pastor John

How to Know You’ve Forgiven Someone

I’ve often spoke and written on forgiveness, and it occurs to me that there is a lot of different understandings on what it is. Some say “forgive and forget” – a near psychological impossibility – while some have attempted to leverage the pain others caused them to prove the haters wrong; using their unforgiveness as a sort of fuel to drive them forward.

But I find that we all know instinctively that forgiveness is important and necessary for our own well being. I’ve often taught that withholding forgiveness is like drinking poison, but expecting it to hurt the other person. Others have said that forgiving is like setting a prisoner free, only to realize the prisoner was actually you.

We know we should forgive. Often, we want to forgive. But how do we forgive someone who has wronged us, and how do we know we’ve truly granted forgiveness to the other person?

  • Forgiveness is a choice. That means it starts with your will, and the good news about that, is you have direct control over it. The feeling of forgiveness follows the decision to forgive.
  • Forgiveness is a process. It’s not as simple as snapping your fingers, deciding you’ve forgiven someone, and it’s over. This is why it’s harder to forgive some things more than others. The greater the hurt, the harder the process. So once you’ve decided you should forgive someone, you’ll often have to “re-forgive” their offense, as the feelings of hurt, anger, and bitterness try to creep back in.
  • Forgiveness is self-care. It’s not simple a matter of whether the person who hurt you deserves to be forgiven. Truth is NO ONE deserves to be forgiven! But love requires forgiveness. Love for the other person, but also love for yourself. Forgiving someone doesn’t just mean that they get to move on, it means you get to move on.
  • Forgiveness is not forgetfulness. As mentioned earlier, you can’t! We lie to ourselves when we say “forgive and forget”. Sometimes, forgiveness means I’m not going to trust you again. Sometimes it means, I’m not putting myself in a position where I have to forgive you again.
  • Forgiveness has a calling card. You know you’ve truly forgiven when you get to the point where you want what’s best for them, not what they “deserve.” If they get hurt back, and you think “Ha! Karma! Finally!” You definitely have not forgiven them. If instead you hurt for them, that’s a sign you’ve truly let something go, and given them what you would want – what you need – when the role is reversed.

Pastor John

The phrase no pain, no gain has been a mantra for athletes and fitness junkies for years. And what they understand about physical pain needs to be broadened to a much more general use in all of our lives. Pain hurts. That's the whole problem. No one enjoys it, and if someone does, we rightfully

The Premium of Pain