John Markum

Looking Back – Moving Forward


“This is what the LORD says: “Stop at the crossroads and look around. Ask for the old, godly way, and walk in it. Travel its path, and you will find rest for your souls…” Jeremiah 6:16

Happy New Year! 2014 is officially upon us. I don’t know about you, but 2013 was one of the best years of my life.

– I said goodbye to the best sending church in the world.
– I made the biggest, most anticipated move in my life.
– My family was joined by 6 other friends and fellow ministry partners.
– We began the groundwork of launching a new church in the San Jose, CA area.

I got to see and experience God doing things that I had only dreamed about happening for most of my adult life. I witnessed promises I felt Him make to me become fulfilled, and I sensed God reassuring me and making new promises – greater promises – of what He was going to continue to do in me and through me.

Every January provides us a unique crossroads as we wrap up an old year, and step into a new one. We are given a prime opportunity to reflect on how we got to where we are and how we might decide is the best way to move forward. In this passage from Jeremiah 6, I made a few connections between what God tells Jeremiah, and what I sense He is telling us in 2014:

  1. “STOP!”: I believe, more often than not, that we are too busy for our own good. God’s command begins with telling the people to hit the pause button so they won’t miss what God wants them to see. We should take more time in 2014 to stop and ask God to help us see and hear what He wants us to notice.
  2. “Look around”: Because of our tendency to focus on what is not done, or what we don’t have we often miss what God has already done, and what God is trying to tell us. I think that if we took more time to “look around,” as followers of Christ we would feel both convicted and encouraged.
  3. “Ask for the old, godly ways”: By old, and godly, God was not talking about living, dressing, or behaving as if we were from some preferred time in American church culture. The old, godly ways this speaks of are the timeless truths that Scripture teaches repeatedly about those who are God-followers. I long to see Christ-followers everywhere return to truly old, godly ways. Like fasting, tithing, loving those who aline against you, holding strong to one’s integrity, purity in thought word, and deed, speaking life, humility, grace, faith, etc. When it says “ask” for these things, try actually asking God in prayer, and look in His Word for direction. God’s will is in His Word.
  4. “Walk in it”: It’s not enough to know God’s word or even to know His will. Information without transformation always leads to stagnation. Knowledge alone does not equal discipleship. Obedience to God produces discipleship. This is a big part of why I prefer the term “Christ follower” over the term “Christian.” “Follower” implies action, obedience, and submission. Scripture repeatedly refers to our spiritual journey in Christ as a “walk” or even a race.
  5. “You will find rest for your souls”: The promise God gives here is echoed by Christ who tells us to “come to Him all are weak and heavy burdened… I’ll give you rest.” (Matt. 11:28). Jesus also tells us “My peace I give you; not the peace that the world gives, but My peace I give unto you.” (John 14:27). God’s peace – His rest – is not the guarantee of a problem-free life (what’s the fun in that?!). It’s more. His promise is not that there would be no storm, but that no storm will break you.

The people God addresses in Jeremiah did not listen. As a result, they did not experience the best of all God had to offer, and even worse, they ultimately received the consequences for their rejection of Him. But what would it look like in my life and your life if we looked back to our spiritual foundation? If we fixed our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith? I think we would move forward into all that 2014 has to throw our way with holy confidence and empowerment like never before. I believe 2014 could/should be a milestone year in our faith journey. And I think we would never be the same. Make it a great year, my friends!

Pastor John

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