John Markum

Preaching on sex

preach on sexThis Sunday at LifeCity Church we begin a new series on sex. Yes, you read that correctly. If you are one of the many people who think that subject is too taboo for a church to talk about, I offer you five thoughts as to why we are committing a whole four week teaching series on the subject of God, sex, and sexuality…

  1. The Bible talks about sex. A lot, come to find out. Song of Solomon, when translated correctly, reads like a steamy novel of a young married couple. Jesus spoke on sex. The apostle Paul spoke on it. Sex is mentioned, described, and instructed on extensively in the Scriptures. And here you thought the Bible was boring…
  2. God created it. We didn’t create sex. It wasn’t man’s invention. So if God is the author of sexuality it means that it’s good and that God has the right to give us guidance regarding our sexuality.
  3. The world is confused. This goes without saying, but still needs to be said. The world, while talking a lot about sex and using it as a marketing tool every time we blink, has horribly misinterpreted the true power, beauty, and value of our gift of sexuality. As a result, we’ve often connected sex with “dirty” when in reality, sex is beautiful… just not in the shallow ways we’ve been taught to think of it.
  4. People are searching. People everywhere are left with feelings of hurt, regret, betrayal, loneliness, and grief because of how sex has been misused and misunderstood. People are looking for real answers to real hurts, but they seldom know where to turn other than to the next partner.
  5. The church has chickened out. My generation grew up in a church culture that mostly avoided the subject of sex. Like junior high kids snickering when the word “sex” was ever even spoken out loud, the American church has largely blushed and hid when the subject ever gets brought up. The only counsel offered being – “DON’T!!! Unless you’re married…” Conversation over. But we needed to hear more than that. We needed more than a one-line “Thou shalt not” declaration – we needed wisdom. Understanding. And someone to turn to when we had questions or made a mistake. It’s time for the church to get over it’s fears and help people redeem their sexuality and live it out in a better, healthier, more God-honoring way.

We invite you to join us at LifeCity Church this Sunday, 10:30am for a tasteful, tactful look into what God actually says about sex as we begin a new series we’re calling The Birds, The Bees, and The Bible.

Pastor John

The phrase no pain, no gain has been a mantra for athletes and fitness junkies for years. And what they understand about physical pain needs to be broadened to a much more general use in all of our lives. Pain hurts. That's the whole problem. No one enjoys it, and if someone does, we rightfully

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