John Markum

Signs that you ARE getting it

At the end of last week I shared a list of signs that you might not be getting it when it comes to your walk with Christ. I encourage you to check that out here. But today I wanted to share some of the signs that you are getting it:

  1. You are excited about bringing people you know to your church, and pray for them to receive Christ.
  2. When you hear the Word on your own or in church, you ask yourself, “What does this mean for me?”
  3. You feel guilty when, for one day, you miss out on your prayer time.
  4. You can’t be satisfied with status quo.
  5. You genuinely feel as though giving your tithe is an act of worship. (If you don’t have a relationship with Christ, we don’t want your money. Honest.)
  6. You willingly forgive others who hurt you.
  7. You humbly seek forgiveness when you hurt others.
  8. Your moral standard is not based on a set of rules that you should keep, but in a relationship that you should honor.
  9. You seek to obey God in your actions, regardless the cost of others’ approval.
  10. You are whole-heartedly sold out to the work of God in your church.
  11. You acknowledge that faith requires action.

Notice that none of this had to do with how much Scripture you could quote or how many services you attended this week. That’s because getting it, is a heart issue. And your actions will always follow your heart. When my heart is right with God, I want to hear from Him more in His Word, be in His house, and act like Him to the people I come in contact with.



The phrase no pain, no gain has been a mantra for athletes and fitness junkies for years. And what they understand about physical pain needs to be broadened to a much more general use in all of our lives. Pain hurts. That's the whole problem. No one enjoys it, and if someone does, we rightfully

The Premium of Pain