John Markum

The Tuesday Ten: Big Influencers

This week, I decided to share the top ten people who have influenced my life the greatest, whom I have never met. Also, these are non-biblical individuals, so the obligatory “Jesus,” or “Apostle Paul” didn’t make this list.

  1. Billy Graham: Taught me that the Gospel, itself, was powerful enough to change multitudes.
  2. Rick Warren: Dared me to think about church differently.
  3. Peter Furler: Former lead singer for the band, Newsboys. Showed me that good music can be fun, loud, powerful, and full of the Holy Spirit.
  4. Steven Furtick: The church should be the most creative entity in the world… and it’s OK to preach in jeans.
  5. Perry Noble: Be real. Be yourself.
  6. Bob Hughes: Missionary to the Philippines. Don’t hold back!
  7. Chuck Swindoll: It’s lonely to lead.
  8. Andy Stanley: Discipleship happens in community.
  9. Mark Zuckerberg: Connected more people to a social website than were on earth during the time of Christ.
  10. Steve Jobs: A man who clearly had an amazing gift. He changed much about my world. I think of people like him advancing God’s Kingdom.

These are not perfect men, and some of them may not even be Christ followers. But I – and much of my generation – have been greatly influenced by these individuals, and I’m grateful to be the recipient of their contributions.

Pastors: How to pray for a Pastor

Just a simple list of the top 10 things you should pray for your church leaders for:

  1. Integrity: That God would help them walk close to Him every moment of every day.
  2. Increased Faith: That their vision for God’s will in the church would be God-sized.
  3. Family: That God would protect his family, and that he would lead his family well. Preachers’ wives and kids have it tough.
  4. Influence: We have a message that needs to be heard.
  5. Wisdom: To understand the Word, and the people to whom they must communicate it.
  6. Creativity: Pastors are communicating a message that is thousands of years old to a people group that is one generation old. The message is not the problem, our lack of communicating creatively and compelling often is.
  7. Leadership: Whoever is greatest must be servant to all. Pastors serve by leading and lead by serving.
  8. Compassion: Help him keep a soft heart in the face of abrasive and abusive people.
  9. Passion: That your pastor’s hunger to experience God working never wains.
  10. Rest: That your pastor can stay sharp and passionate by having the appropriate sleep and down time.

The phrase no pain, no gain has been a mantra for athletes and fitness junkies for years. And what they understand about physical pain needs to be broadened to a much more general use in all of our lives. Pain hurts. That's the whole problem. No one enjoys it, and if someone does, we rightfully

The Premium of Pain