John Markum

The Questions You Asked… Part 6

  1. Question: “What did Jesus do for the 3 days He was buried?” Answer: From what He said to the thief on the cross, He was in “paradise,” often referred to in the Bible as “Abraham’s bosom.” It was kind of like the waiting room of Heaven. A reference in Acts leads some to believe that He went to Hell. While I think that could be possible, He was not suffering there, because our salvation was already paid for on the cross when Jesus said, “It is finished.” So that’s more speculation than a solid answer, but I hope it helped.
  2. Question: “Is a person saved who accepts Jesus, but shows no remorse?” Answer: Tough question because it’s a blanket assumption. I know that faith and repentance are hand-in-hand when it comes to salvation. But that looks different from person to person. I do believe that a repentant heart is always a fruit of true faith. Without humility, no one comes to Christ.
  3. Question: “What is the church position on karma?” Answer: The Bible calls it the law of “sowing and reaping” (Galatians 6:7-10). Our good will ultimately be rewarded, while we can also be sure “your sin will find you out.”
  4. Question: “Could the American government be considered evil?” Answer: It’s being run by politicians. Yes, it’s evil. As best as we can, as long as our conscience before God allows us, we should submit to and obey the authority over us, because God is the only one possessing the true authority anyway. But while I pray for the peace and prosperity of our nation, Jesus is the only “change we can believe in.” In God we trust, all others are prone to corruption. I love our country! But we should always be vigilant concerning those in power.
  5. Question: “What do Satanic churches do?” Answer: Worship Satan. Take pleasure in being rebellious. Commit acts of wickedness out of a shear desire to mock God. That’s about all I know. Technically the term “Satanic church” is a contradiction.
  6. Question: “Can a homosexual person go to Heaven?” Answer: Can an heterosexual go to Heaven? The only way that any of us will ever see Heaven is because we have been changed by Jesus. Someone who struggles with homosexuality can be saved in Christ. Will they continue to struggle with these urges after accepting Christ? More than likely. Just like straight people still struggle with their inappropriate heterosexual urges. We are saved through faith, not by works, and yet our deeds are a reflection of the true change God has made in our lives.
  7. Question: “Can stealing ever be justified?” Answer: Legitimately? Depends… what are we stealing? Cash from a bank? Diamonds? Food? I suppose few would blame a thief who steal to eat. Bit is it still stealing? Yes.  This question is kind of like saying “Are white lies ok?” If something appears to be more gray than black-and-white, it’s usually more black than gray.

3 thoughts on “The Questions You Asked… Part 6

  1. John could you explain the Karma a bit better bc we know that while one day we will reap what we have sown that isn’t always true here on earth. Sometimes the evil prosper and the good perish. However God is the ultimate rewarder and one day all those he knows will be rewarded and all those who have been wicked rebels and rejected His Son will get what they sowed. It just seemed to imply by your answer that Karma is Biblical but Karma teaches that here on earth we reap what we sow which just isn’t true example Job.

  2. Dear Anonymous,
    I tried to clarify that point with an emphasis on “ultimately”. We don’t call it “karma,” but essentially, the idea is the same – whatever you do, it comes back to you. No, we do not endorse the teaching of Hindu.

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