Let’s Talk about Depression: part 3
Road to Recovery Over the last couple of weeks, I’ve begun sharing some of the story of my struggle with depression. And I’ve come to a place where it’s time for me to share some things that I’ve felt have helped me, and I pray will be helpful to others also. A return to spiritual […]

Let’s Talk about Depression: part 2
Depression as a Pastor I still wrestle with opening up about struggling with depression, because of one reason: I’m a pastor. I live in constant realization that my life is always on display, and people have assumptions and expectations of me. And while I know it’s often a poor motive, the pressure of those expectations […]

Let’s talk about depression: part 1
What Depression is NOT After attempting to commit some necessary thoughts to writing, I realized this was way bigger than a post – it needed to be more of an on-going conversation. Recently, I confessed to my staff, church family, and those who follow me on social media that I have been actively struggling with […]