Now Live Streaming our Sunday Gatherings!
In case we didn’t get the word out now, you can now watch the services of LifeCity Church LIVE every Sunday, no matter where you are! Our live streaming began in full form the beginning of this year, and can be watched directly on our website every Sunday here. Additionally, to help get the message […]
Our first middle schooler
I’m writing this post, knowing full well that the subject matter of my children is increasingly something they will eventually become aware of. Yet I had to commit my thoughts and feelings on their journey, since so much of my life and identity is inextricably linked to them. Enter, Emilee Markum. My oldest child… Emilee, […]
Loving the people you Lead
In leadership, it’s easy for us to get into ruts of just expecting people to do what they do. This is especially true in church leadership. Our entire enterprise is built on the willful volunteering of people’s time, energy, and resources to advance our sacred mission. And important as that mission is, we leverage nothing […]