My Thoughts on Charlottesville
Yesterday, I shared a few thoughts with my church regarding what our perspective as Christ-followers should be toward the recent news of racial clashing in Charlottesville, VA. The protesters, mostly KKK, white supremacists, and neo-Nazis, were protesting the removal of a statue of Robert E. Lee, former general of the Confederate Army during the American […]
Spiritual challenges of the financially wealthy
Jesus deals with a “rich young ruler” in Mark 10. That sounds like a hand I wouldn’t mind being dealt in life, amiright?! He’s rich. He’s young. He’s powerful… Gees, was he good looking, too? I mean, what was this guy missing??? Yet this man comes to Jesus seeking the key to the gift of […]
New Favorite Song…
I’m totally in love with this song by Elevation Worship called, Fullness. The reasons are plentiful: it’s packed with Scripture, it speaks to the day of Pentecost (when the church was born) in Acts 2, it references all of the prophetic foreshadowing to the move of God coming through the Holy Spirit, it’s full of […]