John Markum

Reading List

Some of my favorite books are listed below. I have attempted to organize them by interests, with brief personal descriptions for my own benefit. I hope you might find these useful in your studies as well. Each title is linked to where you can find the book on Amazon, for your convenience.

Church History

The Story of Christianity (vol 1)

One of my single favorite texts on the early church. Very well organized, and despite its length, is extremely well packed with critical details and flow of events. Covers patristic fathers, Roman oppression, the Constantinian Era, Crusades and the beginning of the Holy Roman Empire.

The Story of Christianity (vol 2)

As a follow-up to the previous volume (above), this text picks up with the Reformation and continues through the 20th century. This text focuses much more on the global expansion of Christianity, and the rise of the Protestants.

After Jesus, Before Christianity

Approaching Christian history, form a mostly a-Christian perspective, I found this text on the early days of Christianity fascinating. I say “a-Christian” because the perspective is quite un-orthodox to traditional Christian views, but not necessarily “un-Christian”. I feel this book adds more bias than a history book should, but it stands enlightening all the same.

Tertullian’s Apology

One of the most brilliant minds of the second century, Tertullian is a masterful theologian. Coining the term “Trinity” he gave us the description for the triune God of our faith, still embraced by Catholics, Orthodox, and Protestants alike. This text is his defense against Roman oppression and false accusations.

The phrase no pain, no gain has been a mantra for athletes and fitness junkies for years. And what they understand about physical pain needs to be broadened to a much more general use in all of our lives. Pain hurts. That's the whole problem. No one enjoys it, and if someone does, we rightfully

The Premium of Pain