John Markum

10 Reasons I love Edgewood:

  1. Every generation is passionate about reaching the next generation. I’m reminded of this every week, by the older generations that speak life into me here.
  2. My pastor (Pastor Brown) is a leader worth following. He sets the bar high for my generation of pastors, and he genuinely loves his church and staff.
  3. Saturday nights at Edgewood (The Awakening) are intense! I love the worship, and all the new people making Edgewood their church home on Saturdays.
  4. The youth of Edgewood are amazing! I make it a point to get to know these people since they are one day going to be in our college ministry. If they have anything to say about it, their generation is not a lost cause.
  5. The legacy of a 100+ year old church. A heritage is about preserving what you have. A legacy is about building from your past.
  6. Lay Leaders. Nothing is more inspiring to me, than the hundreds of people who don’t get paid for it, but pour their heart and soul into the work that God is doing at Edgewood. Whether it’s leading worship, greeting, working with the children, or serving “behind-the scenes,” each of you are living the gospel.
  7. Ignite Singles. What started off as 9 willing and able individuals, now consists of 50+ people passionately becoming more like Jesus and reaching their world for Christ. You are the reason Tiff and I came to Edgewood in the first place. We love all of you!
  8. The staff. Our diversity in ages, backgrounds, personalities, and perspectives makes us a well rounded team. I’ve grown so much as a pastor and leader by working alongside these men and women.
  9. My kids LOVE IT here! Our children’s workers are first class, and Sheila Kuriscak does an amazing job leading them!
  10. I get to see God move powerfully every week through our people. That alone, makes every tough day seem minor. Watching people respond to the leading of God = priceless.

I love you, Edgewood!



Challenge #7: Bring your Bible

Edgewood Challenge #7: Bring your Bible to Church

Probably the easiest challenge we could deliver! As a follower of Jesus, the Bible is your lifeline to God’s encouragement, instruction, correction, and entire worldview so that you and I can reach our full potential in Christ (2 Tim 3:16, 17). You wouldn’t even think of leaving the house without your cell phone. But going to church without your Bible… many people don’t even give it a second thought.

Now, to be fair, it’s partly our fault as church leadership. I mean, it was our idea to put those high-tech screens in the church with lights and videos, lyrics, and – not least of all – every Bible verse we intend to quote in the course of a service. But that was intended to benefit our guests and those who don’t yet have a relationship with Jesus, not the faithful who attend week-in and week-out. You need to bring your Bible because you need to see for yourself what the Bible says – not just take our word for it. We’re not trying to dupe anybody! God gifted you with the intelligence to read His word for yourself. Don’t sell yourself short by leaving it to the “religious professionals” to tell you what to believe. Learn from us, yes. But read it for yourself, and see what God has for you.

And hey, we’re hip to the 21st Century… bring the Bible ON your cell phone. Or your iPad. Or your iPod touch. If it gets you into the Bible on your own, we’re for it!



The phrase no pain, no gain has been a mantra for athletes and fitness junkies for years. And what they understand about physical pain needs to be broadened to a much more general use in all of our lives. Pain hurts. That's the whole problem. No one enjoys it, and if someone does, we rightfully

The Premium of Pain