John Markum

It’s Time!

I’ve talked a lot lately about a momentum I feel here at Edgewood. As we experience God’s hand of favor we have seen more and more people getting connected to our church family, more individuals giving their lives to Christ in faith, going public with their faith through baptism, inviting friends to church with them, watching their friend’s life get changed by the Gospel, plugging into a ministry and serving, and on we could go. Regardless of how you slice it, there is something powerful taking place in our church!

Some critic out there is thinking, “It’s not all about the numbers, you know!” And they would be right (kinda). So why do we make such a big deal about the numbers? Why do we geek out over 1,880 people coming to our Easter weekend services, and a baptism rate that is on pace for 100+ new baptisms in 2011? Because they are not just numbers. Each number represents a life that is being changed. A marriage being restored. A teenager coming back home. A person far from God being awakened with life in Christ. A casual attender becoming a committed member. A shy, insecure woman boldly proclaiming to the world her faith in Jesus through baptism. And when we look at those statistics, make no mistake: we are all about the numbers!

And it’s when I look at the way God has been blessing us and moving in our people, that I’m overwhelmed with the thought that this is just the beginning. It is time for each of us to get serious about the calling that God has placed on our lives and on our church. This is not the time for the church to grow complacent about the impact God is bringing us. This is not the time to back down. We can not take this for granted! Instead, this is the time for each of us to rise into the holy anointing God has for all of His people, and for this church specifically.

  • If you are a committed member, stay faithful! Your commitment to the ministry of this church is producing a great impact for the Kingdom of God. Thank you for your faithfulness!
  • If you have been observing Edgewood from the sidelines, it’s time to get in the game! You were created to have a part in this move of God. Join us in turning the QC upside down with the Gospel!
  • If you have never shared what God is doing here with anyone else, step out of your comfort zone and invite someone to see it for themselves. We have 4 services every weekend, so there’s room for everyone!
  • If you are far from God, out of church, or burnt-out on church, I’m not saying we’re perfect, or even that we are the only thing God is doing in our city. What I am saying, is that God is doing some amazing things here and you have GOT to see this for yourself! We happen to be a little excited about it…



10 Reasons I love Edgewood:

  1. Every generation is passionate about reaching the next generation. I’m reminded of this every week, by the older generations that speak life into me here.
  2. My pastor (Pastor Brown) is a leader worth following. He sets the bar high for my generation of pastors, and he genuinely loves his church and staff.
  3. Saturday nights at Edgewood (The Awakening) are intense! I love the worship, and all the new people making Edgewood their church home on Saturdays.
  4. The youth of Edgewood are amazing! I make it a point to get to know these people since they are one day going to be in our college ministry. If they have anything to say about it, their generation is not a lost cause.
  5. The legacy of a 100+ year old church. A heritage is about preserving what you have. A legacy is about building from your past.
  6. Lay Leaders. Nothing is more inspiring to me, than the hundreds of people who don’t get paid for it, but pour their heart and soul into the work that God is doing at Edgewood. Whether it’s leading worship, greeting, working with the children, or serving “behind-the scenes,” each of you are living the gospel.
  7. Ignite Singles. What started off as 9 willing and able individuals, now consists of 50+ people passionately becoming more like Jesus and reaching their world for Christ. You are the reason Tiff and I came to Edgewood in the first place. We love all of you!
  8. The staff. Our diversity in ages, backgrounds, personalities, and perspectives makes us a well rounded team. I’ve grown so much as a pastor and leader by working alongside these men and women.
  9. My kids LOVE IT here! Our children’s workers are first class, and Sheila Kuriscak does an amazing job leading them!
  10. I get to see God move powerfully every week through our people. That alone, makes every tough day seem minor. Watching people respond to the leading of God = priceless.

I love you, Edgewood!



4 Things I want to say to The Awakening…

  1. I missed you last Saturday! I heard great things about the service, and I know Pastor Dan Cullett, and the band did a great job in my absence. As nice as it was to be away and spent some much needed time with my awesome wife, there’s no place like Edgewood on Saturday nights! We missed getting to worship with you, but can’t wait for this week.
  2. New series this week! Last week, Pastor Dan finished our series, 3 Ways to Lose your Soul. This week we begin a new series called, Where’s my Bailout? dealing with finances from a Biblical perspective. People always act funny when you talk about money in church! But we’re not doing this series because we want something from you, but because we want something for you. Come. Be obedient to what God wants you to do. Be blessed!
  3. Baptisms this week! We have people going public with their faith in Christ this week by baptism. If you are interested in getting baptized (even this Saturday) call or text me at 309-752-3499
  4. Quad Cities’ Easter Experience! This Easter, we are offering 4 different worship services including Saturday, April 23rd at 5pm. If you are looking for a church to attend for Easter we welcome you to join us on Saturday night. If you normally attend our Saturday night service at Edgewood, we encourage you sign up this week to serve on that Saturday for all of the guests we are expecting to join us. We need ushers, greeters, childcare, tech, stage, and more.

Can’t wait to worship with you this Saturday! See our website for more info:



The phrase no pain, no gain has been a mantra for athletes and fitness junkies for years. And what they understand about physical pain needs to be broadened to a much more general use in all of our lives. Pain hurts. That's the whole problem. No one enjoys it, and if someone does, we rightfully

The Premium of Pain