- You have a job and pay your own bills. Don’t make excuses. Just get a job!
- You can put someone else’s needs before your own.
- You are honest with yourself regarding the areas you need improvement.
- (Guys) You are capable of leading a wife/family in the right direction.
- (Ladies) You are humble enough to follow a man’s leadership without being a doormat.
- You have a specific, high degree of certainty of what you want to do in life, and a realistic plan on how to get there.
- You’re not trying to run from anything by getting married (i.e. your parents, job, ex, etc.)
- You realize that you will not do everything perfect and neither will your spouse. In other words, you’re honest about your faults, and forgiving of your spouse’s.
- You can communicate your emotions (guys) without being emotional (ladies).
- You see compromises on non-moral issues as a win-win, because you got some of what you wanted, and made your better-half happy as well. Everything doesn’t have to be your way.