John Markum

My kids say, “Yes sir”

I’ve heard it all…

  • That’s old fashioned.
  • You were raised in the South, weren’t you?
  • Were you in the military or something?
  • etc…

Recently, Tiffany and I have been cracking down on our girls answering us with a “yes sir” or “yes ma’am” when we call them to come to us or when we tell them to do something. Some think that is kind of outdated, but there has definitely been a notable change. Emilee’s attitude has improved 200% in the last 3 weeks. Kali has been playing nicer with everyone. And the two of them have taken initiative with cleaning their rooms, helping set the table, and much more.

Here’s what we’ve noticed: There is a direct connection between honor and obedience. So when I teach my kids how to honor their parents, somehow they simultaneous learn that honor is more than just giving the right answer when told to do something.

And just in case you were wondering, yes, I do say “yes ma’am” to Tiffany and to our girls. And I say “yes sir” to my 2 year old son. I want my girls to know how to be treated by a boy, and I want my little man to one day be a man of honor. So I speak life into them now.

It’s not a southern culture or a military culture. It’s a culture of honor. And the benefits of teaching our kids about honor are multi-dimensional.

Create a culture of honor and respect in your home. You won’t regret it.

“Give to all what is due them: tax to whom tax is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honor to whom honor.” Romans 13:7



One thought on “My kids say, “Yes sir”

  1. I also require my children to answer all adults with an appropriate yes sir, no sir, yes ma’am, or no ma’am. Our oldest is 17 and he has tried on numerous occasions to get us to drop the requirement but I stand firm. Parents need to teach manners and respect to their children and should demand nothing less.

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