John Markum

“Pastors” series

Anyone in church already knows that pastors are a different bunch! I wanted to take a little time to share some things you may or may not be aware of concerning those in full time ministry, specifically pastors. I look forward to sharing with you about the second greatest calling of my life this week. Stay tuned…



What I want to say to The Awakening this morning.

Good morning church!

A few things I want to remind you about this morning as you go about your day:

  1. First of all, your pastor loves you and is praying for you today. I do not take for granted your faithfulness to our church, and to our service. The highlight of my week is worshipping  with you every Saturday night. I can’t wait to be with you all again tomorrow!
  2. Last week we gave away free Prayer Journals that we had made for everyone. They include a 2011 calendar, tips on prayer and Bible reading, pages for keeping track of your prayer requests with encouraging scriptures on each page, and space for taking notes from sermons. There are several left and you are welcome to grab one this Saturday if you missed last week.
  3. This week we’ll have Connecting Point immediately after our worship experience. Connecting Point is a short meet-and-greet where you can get connected with other Saturday night attenders. We’ll have food, a short video, and a chance for you to find out more about The Awakening and how you can get connected to what God’s doing on Saturday nights at Edgewood. It is open for anyone wanting to get more connected, whether this week is your first time with us, or you’ve been coming a few times. So invite someone to come with you!
  4. Church Business Meeting: This Sunday night at 6 pm. This is open to everyone who has made Edgewood their church home. This is our annual meeting and there are a variety of thing to be dealt with and voted upon. The meeting does not take very long (I love our church!).
  5. We want you to help us make an impact! Over the next few weeks, we want to encourage you to find a place to serve on Saturday nights. We have multiple places where you can use your talents to bless others including tech team, band, children’s service, nursery, greeting, and hospitality table. Help us make The Awakening the most exciting thing to do on Saturdays!

We continue teaching from our series, Retro, this Saturday at 6 pm, with a message from Genesis 25 on stew. Yeah, stew. Trust me. It will change your life. See you all tomorrow!



Can you see it?

Have you ever seen one of those “Magic Eye” pictures? They look like a bunch of textures and colors but seem to otherwise have no rhymn or reason to them. It looks kind of like a big mess on the surface. Once you’ve learned to see “into” the picture you figure out how it works and you can see that there is a design to the mess all along. Here, try this one. Different people have different ways of adjusting their eyes to see it, but it all boils down to depth perseption. Try to look about 3 feet past the screen:

If you can see a shark, then you figured it out! Now right now some of you are mad, cause you’ve tried but you can never make these things work for you. You can’t seem to find the trick to seeing what everyone else is seeing.

God’s word brings my life into focus. On the surface, my life is full of textures and colors and looks like some kind of big abstract mess. But through God’s Word I can see that “All thing work together for good, for those who love God and are called according to His purpose.” God’s Word gives me the advantage to see things from a different perspective, God’s perspective. And only then can I truly embrace the circumstances that God brings my way that look like a big mess on the surface level. Hidden inside all of my pain, failures, disappointments, hopes, dreams, and ambitions, is a masterpiece that is breath-taking, but only from the proper vantage point.

Are you getting frustrated because you haven’t seen anything of “masterpiece” quality in your life? Are your current predicaments making you think that your life is a big mess? Then spend some regular time in God’s Word and learn to see things from a better perspective.

The masterpiece that God is putting together in your life, has been there all along. You just have to learn to see it from His perspective.



The phrase no pain, no gain has been a mantra for athletes and fitness junkies for years. And what they understand about physical pain needs to be broadened to a much more general use in all of our lives. Pain hurts. That's the whole problem. No one enjoys it, and if someone does, we rightfully

The Premium of Pain