John Markum

HOW to come to Church

HOWchurchI’ve read a lot articles and posts lately about what proper church behavior, attire, and protocol consists of from a myriad of sources. SO! I thought it was time to give some thought to the subject myself about the how people should come to LifeCity Church. If you call LifeCity your church home, or if you’ve ever thought of visiting us and giving it a try, I hope you’ll consider these helpful tips about coming to our church…

  1. Dress comfortable. We really don’t have a dress code… “Sunday’s best” has more to do with how we love than how we look for us. I usually preach in jeans, flip flops, and a V-neck – and I’m the pastor. You can even come to our church wearing a Raiders jersey… because… obviously you need Jesus. (KIDDING! Relax!)
  2. Bring someone with you. Life is meant to be experienced in community. So we encourage you to bring someone to experience LifeCity with you. It’s often comforting to know there’s at least one person that you know already.
  3. Come early! Currently, we start our main Sunday services at 10:30am at Montague Elementary. But those who come just 10-15 minutes early get to visit KidsTown where their child might make some new friends and have a great time. Also you’ll get first dibs on coffee and pastries… Seriously though, you don’t miss out on the worship, news, and so much more. We work hard to make the whole experience on Sundays an opportunity for everyone to experience God.
  4. Be friendly. Every week, I accept that a variety of people come to our gatherings with an unknown load they’re carrying. I don’t have to know everyone’s struggle, but I do need to show them that it’s ok to have one, and that they’re not alone. By offering a sincere smile, greeting, hug, or handshake, we’re communicating to people that they matter. Learn someone’s name. Get together after church. Build a friendship with someone new. You’ll be blessed, too.
  5. Come expecting. We believe there is power in people coming together in the name of Jesus, to honor Him in song, open and learn from His word, and encourage others on their journey. We’re better together. Sometimes, when I feel the least motivated, God works in me the greatest. And lastly…
  6. Keep an open heart. We would never force anyone to do anything they were not ready to do. Our job as a church, is to provide opportunities, and trust God to work on people’s hearts. So all we ask, is be honest with what you feel God doing in your life. If you’re thinking about getting baptized, let’s talk about it. No pressure. If you’re not ready to sing the songs we worship to, just sit/stand and listen for awhile.

Tomorrow, we continue through an exciting marriage series called In the Ring: fighting for your marriage. I’m talking about the most important foundation of your marriage this week. It’s going to be an awesome day together!

Pastor John

The phrase no pain, no gain has been a mantra for athletes and fitness junkies for years. And what they understand about physical pain needs to be broadened to a much more general use in all of our lives. Pain hurts. That's the whole problem. No one enjoys it, and if someone does, we rightfully

The Premium of Pain