Why is Revelation so Confusing?
I recently finished an End Times series at Life Valley Community Church, called The Last Amen, in which I walked us through the important points of Biblical prophecy yet to be fulfilled. But Revelation – the last book of the Bible – can be very intimidating to read, not to mention confusing. Here are four […]

Sermon Recap: The Last Amen, week 3
In the final week of our End Times series, The Last Amen, I led our church through graphs and timelines of what to expect with the approaching end of the age. In this message we sought to understand and answer three common questions: We considered the timing of our rescue from the judgment to come, […]

Did Mary Ever Sin?
I recently began addressing the doctrines of Catholicism that revolve around their belief that Mary was something more than Protestants Christians claim her to be. The four core dogmas of RCC Mariology include: For today, let’s address Immaculate Conception… First of all, it is worth mentioning that among a very small, select group of people […]