Sermon Recap: The Last Amen, week 2
As we continued our series, The Last Amen, we delved deeper into the topic of the End Times, by examining Biblical prophecies and signs. The Antichrist, a significant leader likely emerging as a rebirth of the Roman Empire, will rise and sign a seven-year covenant, only to break it at the halfway point, leading to […]

Did Mary Remain a Virgin?
There are at least four key doctrines about Mary, the mother of Jesus, which are defended by the Roman Catholic Church (RCC). These dogmas are weak or outright heretical from a Biblical viewpoint, but clung to by the RCC because of church tradition. While I affirm church tradition in a general sense, such traditions must […]

Sermon Recap: The Last Amen, week 1
In our newest teaching series The Last Amen, we focused on understanding the end times through the lens of Biblical prophecy. Here were the main points of the message in case you missed them: Colossians 1:13-17 reveals that all things were created by, through, and for Jesus, emphasizing His central role in all things. Revelation […]