John Markum

10 Reasons I love Edgewood:

  1. Every generation is passionate about reaching the next generation. I’m reminded of this every week, by the older generations that speak life into me here.
  2. My pastor (Pastor Brown) is a leader worth following. He sets the bar high for my generation of pastors, and he genuinely loves his church and staff.
  3. Saturday nights at Edgewood (The Awakening) are intense! I love the worship, and all the new people making Edgewood their church home on Saturdays.
  4. The youth of Edgewood are amazing! I make it a point to get to know these people since they are one day going to be in our college ministry. If they have anything to say about it, their generation is not a lost cause.
  5. The legacy of a 100+ year old church. A heritage is about preserving what you have. A legacy is about building from your past.
  6. Lay Leaders. Nothing is more inspiring to me, than the hundreds of people who don’t get paid for it, but pour their heart and soul into the work that God is doing at Edgewood. Whether it’s leading worship, greeting, working with the children, or serving “behind-the scenes,” each of you are living the gospel.
  7. Ignite Singles. What started off as 9 willing and able individuals, now consists of 50+ people passionately becoming more like Jesus and reaching their world for Christ. You are the reason Tiff and I came to Edgewood in the first place. We love all of you!
  8. The staff. Our diversity in ages, backgrounds, personalities, and perspectives makes us a well rounded team. I’ve grown so much as a pastor and leader by working alongside these men and women.
  9. My kids LOVE IT here! Our children’s workers are first class, and Sheila Kuriscak does an amazing job leading them!
  10. I get to see God move powerfully every week through our people. That alone, makes every tough day seem minor. Watching people respond to the leading of God = priceless.

I love you, Edgewood!



Jesus died for Bin Laden

I know everyone is excited about the news this week, and certainly that is understandable. The death of a evil man responsible for countless terrorist attacks against our country specifically, is – at the least – cause for major relief. As a pastor, I have already had several people from my church family ask me how we should respond to the news of the death of America’s #1 terrorist.

On one hand, Bin Laden has killed thousands of American lives. Many of whom did not have a relationship with Christ were sent to an untimely appointment before their Creator. The Bible certainly seems to condone the use of deadly force when required, and is the foundation for capital punishment. (Exodus 21:12)

But on the other hand, Jesus tells us to “love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to them that hate you…” He says that “By your love for one another, the world will know that you are my disciples.” And the apostle John writes concerning Jesus that He, “died, not for our sins only, but for the sins of the whole world.”(1 John 2:1-2)

We must understand that the role of government is first and foremost to protect it’s people. Part of that means holding criminals to the standard of justice for their crimes. Romans 13 even tells us that God has placed authority over us to deliver justice against injustices, and that authority does not “bare the sword in vain.”

Yet as individuals, we are commanded to be a people of love. God restores the old and makes it new. He cleanses dirty, broken lives, and turns them into beautiful works of art, perfect to be used of Him. We must remember that “God is not willing that any should perish, but that all should come unto repentance.”

So as a nation, it is appropriate for us to rejoice in the ridding of a very dangerous man to the livelihood of our children and neighbors. But as followers of Jesus, we must also remember that He died for every act of terrorism, white lie, lustful thought, pride, greed, selfishness, rape, dishonor, etc… And as terrible as all of that sounds – that God would be willing to extend mercy to someone that badHe also died for me And I know me better than anyone. If God could sacrificially forgive me from my sin, then I must love whomever He loves.

Someone asked, “So are we just suppose to be pacifists in all of this?” the answer: no. Radical love is never passive. Let’s celebrate more about the rising of a Savior than the death of another sinner! We are the church! And we will be known by how we love!



“I don’t believe in church”

I’ve heard lots of people – some of which claim to be Christ followers – excuse themselves from being connected to a church. Given, many churches are off the mark, and every church is full of people who are full of problems, and you going there only makes one more. But it is not right to claim to follow God, but be divorced from His bride. Saying “I believe in God, I just don’t believe in going to church,” makes about as much sense as saying “I believe in eating, I just don’t believe in food.” Believing in an idea, but not in the tangible expression of it is vain and empty. Besides, for all the faults of so many churches, the church still belongs to Jesus. I don’t know about you, but I cringe when I hear people berate another church.

I’m pretty thick-skinned. You will be hard pressed to get a rise out of me by calling me names, criticizing me, making fun, or otherwise putting me down. But you say one thing about my family, and… let’s just not go there. You got something to say about my wife and I’m likely to end up running a prison ministry… from the inside! If you’re married, I’m sure you can relate. The Bible refers to the church as “the bride of Christ.” Jesus died for the church. Jesus loves the church. Before you make a cut-down against a church, remember whose bride you’re picking on! I wouldn’t want to answer for throwing mud on His bride. Instead, live within that community. Make it better. Add your gifts and talents to the work of God within the church, and allow the gifts and talents of others to make you a better follower of Christ as well.



The phrase no pain, no gain has been a mantra for athletes and fitness junkies for years. And what they understand about physical pain needs to be broadened to a much more general use in all of our lives. Pain hurts. That's the whole problem. No one enjoys it, and if someone does, we rightfully

The Premium of Pain