Words I thought I would never say… Before you use this outrageous statement as a reason to justify your critical spirit, first allow me to elaborate on a few important details:
- Criticism is in contrast to edifying; Edifying builds, Criticizing tears down.
- Criticism requires zero talent. Anyone can be a critic. They’re not special.
- Criticism is not a spiritual gift, calling, or “ministry”. Period.
- Almost every critic has accomplished minimally in their area of criticism.
- Critics usually point out flaws with no intentions of doing anything about it.
So if I clearly dislike critics, why would I say they’re awesome? Because…
- They stand in stark contrast to those actually accomplishing something.
- They often give us GREAT ideas when they say, “You can’t _______”
- Jesus had critics too, so we’re in great company when we get criticized!
If you have someone criticizing you for following God’s calling over your life, don’t stress. No one remembers a critic. I choose to take my criticism from the people who love me and are invest in my life, family, and ministry. Anyone else, doesn’t really get why you’re doing it anyway. Those “doing” will always be misunderstood by those who are not. Consider the source, take useful feedback, and leave the rest. Choose to see the potential… even in a critic.
Pastor John