John Markum

Signs that you don’t get it.

Regardless of how much Bible you know, how long you’ve been in church, or how intelligent you sound during a Bible discussion, below are a few of the signs that you are just not getting it:

  1. You read the Bible or hear a message, and think of other people that need to change.
  2. You’ve believed the myth that Knowledge = Discipleship.
  3. You talk about people’s problems to other people.
  4. You come to the conclusion, “They’ll never change.”
  5. You have a good memory of others’ short-comings, but a bad memory about your own.
  6. You make excuses for your actions.
  7. You’ve spent more time on facebook this week than in THE Book.
  8. The last time you were in church was your last crisis. The next time you’ll be in church will be the next crisis.
  9. You attend 3 churches, but are committed to none.
  10. You’re more concerned with how people see you than how God sees you.
  11. You’ve read the first 10 signs, and still think you have nowhere to improve.

James 1:22 tells us, “Be doers of the Word and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves.” If we can have all the right responses to every spiritual questions, but live in a way that is not like Christ, and think that God approves, according to the Bible, we are spiritually delusional! Let’s be humble enough to take on the attitude and actions of Jesus. Only when we humble ourselves will we start to get it. Later this week, I’ll share some signs that you are getting it.



The Power of the Gospel

We often say at our church, “No one cares how much we know until they know how much we care.” We have to live what we believe if we are ever going to see the Gospel reach the hearts of the people around us. Seriously, think about it… If we claim to be free, forgiven, made new, and to be given life and the power and presence of God, why do we so often act no different than we would outside of Christ?

There is nothing that gets me more frustrated that religious hypocrisy. People who are suppose to know better but don’t live a changed life are as lost in their religion as the Pharisees of Jesus’ day. And this problem exists in nearly every church, and is indiscriminate of your church model, values, denomination, or style of worship. The reason? Because people are still people and deal with the same sin issues. And to be perfectly honest, I hate it the most, when I see it in myself. I still battle with the same selfish tendencies as all of the people in my church… and your church.

But we are suppose to be different. We are suppose to have a new life. 2 Corinthians 5:17 tells us, “This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!”

If we want to see the Gospel change the lives of the people around us, it must first change our lives. Just because you believed in Him does not mean you are living for Him. And just because you go to church does not mean you are discipled. Some of the most godly people I know are baby Christ-followers with a passion for Jesus that humbles me. Already, they consistently make difficult choices that show a stark distinction between who they were  and who they are now in Christ. Conversely, some of the most un-discipled people I have known (myself included at times) are those who could explain the significance of the hyper-static union of Christ in regards to dispensational versus covenant theology. They can quote entire chapters of God’s word from memory, but they won’t speak life into the people around them. None of that information we know matters at all, if we do not live it. The power of the Gospel is such that it is not satisfied to save us from the penalty our sin one day when we stand before God, but to save us from the power of our sin today. Right here, right now. And the evidence of it working is in how we love others, and how we obey.

The power of the Gospel is in obedience not knowledge.

I’m blogging later this week on “signs that you don’t get it.” Keep an open heart. I’m guilty of several of these. Chances are, you can relate.



10 Reasons I love Edgewood:

  1. Every generation is passionate about reaching the next generation. I’m reminded of this every week, by the older generations that speak life into me here.
  2. My pastor (Pastor Brown) is a leader worth following. He sets the bar high for my generation of pastors, and he genuinely loves his church and staff.
  3. Saturday nights at Edgewood (The Awakening) are intense! I love the worship, and all the new people making Edgewood their church home on Saturdays.
  4. The youth of Edgewood are amazing! I make it a point to get to know these people since they are one day going to be in our college ministry. If they have anything to say about it, their generation is not a lost cause.
  5. The legacy of a 100+ year old church. A heritage is about preserving what you have. A legacy is about building from your past.
  6. Lay Leaders. Nothing is more inspiring to me, than the hundreds of people who don’t get paid for it, but pour their heart and soul into the work that God is doing at Edgewood. Whether it’s leading worship, greeting, working with the children, or serving “behind-the scenes,” each of you are living the gospel.
  7. Ignite Singles. What started off as 9 willing and able individuals, now consists of 50+ people passionately becoming more like Jesus and reaching their world for Christ. You are the reason Tiff and I came to Edgewood in the first place. We love all of you!
  8. The staff. Our diversity in ages, backgrounds, personalities, and perspectives makes us a well rounded team. I’ve grown so much as a pastor and leader by working alongside these men and women.
  9. My kids LOVE IT here! Our children’s workers are first class, and Sheila Kuriscak does an amazing job leading them!
  10. I get to see God move powerfully every week through our people. That alone, makes every tough day seem minor. Watching people respond to the leading of God = priceless.

I love you, Edgewood!



The phrase no pain, no gain has been a mantra for athletes and fitness junkies for years. And what they understand about physical pain needs to be broadened to a much more general use in all of our lives. Pain hurts. That's the whole problem. No one enjoys it, and if someone does, we rightfully

The Premium of Pain