John Markum

Going into the Valley

“My soul longed and even yearned for the courts of the Lord…” Psalm 84:2

I’ve often taught my church the difference between knowing and understanding. Truly, there is a chasm of difference. I can know that the grand canyon is “big,” but seeing it for myself would doubtlessly bring a new level of understanding and appreciation for the word.

Sometimes, we must go through difficult circumstances to understand what they mean regarding our relationship with God.

Our perspective is very limited from the top of the mountain. Ironically, we generally sense that we have a better vantage point from the mountain. After all, we can see farther, right?

Don’t get me wrong,… mountains are great! I love mountains. I would even say I prefer mountains. But by definition, a mountain is surrounded by lower ground… a.k.a.: valleys. And it is in the valley that we gain understanding. There are some things, perhaps most things, that we must go to the valley to understand, to appreciate. Only then and there can we gain the proper perspective to benefit from being on the mountains.

Sadly, we usually only experience difficulties because God allows them into our lives, not because we sought them out. I often say, “Nothing worthwhile is ever easy.” What I’m really saying is, to experience the best of life through Christ, you must go choose to go to valleys.

But why? right? I mean, after all, valleys are so… low. But few things ever grow on the mountaintop. In the valley, there is life, sustenance, flowing waters… and usually God. James 4:8 tells us to, “Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you…” If you’re willing go into the valley with God, not only will you find Him, but He promises to draw near to you.

When you understand this, like David in Psalms 84, you will say, “One day in your courts is better than a thousand days elsewhere.” Translation: “God, I’d rather be here with You in the valley, than have a thousand days on the mountain without You!”

How can you willingly go to the valley? Glad you asked. Here are some ideas:

  • Fast. If you’ve never done it, just try to for one day. Or one meal! Fasting is demonstrating that we need God more than food. There are a variety of ways to do this. I will likely post more on how to do this later.
  • Give. That’s right. Just give a lot of money/stuff away. Preferably over a period of time. Simple. Kinda. I knew of a couple who decided they were going to reverse tithe. That is, tithing 90% of their income and living on the remaining 10%. Neither of them had above average incomes. But they did it for 3 months. They had to alter their style of living drastically, and yet they never missed a bill. They testified afterwards that you can’t out-give God.
  • Choosing singleness. Scripture puts marriage on an extremely high, noble thing to desire. But it also highly commends those who are able to stay single. Admittedly, the Bible tells us that those who are married must first, “care for the things of this world,” while the single person is free to care first for the “things of God.”
  • Serving others. You are never more Christ-like than when you put others ahead of yourself. Doing so is a sacrifice of love that God always seems to respond favorably towards.
  • Other.

The limit to pursuing God into the valley is limited only by your creativity and God’s calling on your life. Accept hard times that God allows in your life. But more than that, take the initiative and pursue God into the hard places.



Where Religion Fails

The biggest thing that God has taught me in 20+ years of following Jesus, is the most basic:

It’s not about what I do. It’s about who He is.

The implications of this simple thought, however, are far-reaching and profound. You see, religion, of any flavor, is a human attempt to appease a Deity(ies). It’s biggest question ultimately is “How do I not get in trouble?” This is why getting churched-up doesn’t change your life for the positive.

Getting religious only demonstrates how broken and far from God we are. It accentuates our failures and minimizes our successes. And no one stays in that situation for long… unless they fake it. And those who are not willing to fake it begin to see the hypocrisy of those who are. Eventually they come to the conclusion that religion is full of fakers. Sadly, they are correct.

But God knew our broken status and our inability to affect lasting change. His solution was not “do these things and not those things.” Instead it was “Come unto Me all you who are weary and heavy burdened… You’ll find rest for your soul.” You see, it’s not about what you do. It’s about who He is. The best thing we can do, is get close to the Person who makes change happen in our lives for His glory and our good.

Try as you may, you can’t chase away the shadows from your life. So stop attempting to clean your act up and just open the blinds and let the Light come pouring in. And interestingly enough, as we get closer to Jesus, and farther from a list of Do’s-and-Do-Not’s, the darkness that once entangled us becomes far less appealing. We do not overcome our faults by trying harder than we’ve ever tried. We overcome by drawing close to the One who overcame for us.



I would rather…

I have a tendency to be extreme. And I also don’t see that – entirely – as a bad thing. To me, mediocrity is the enemy. Jesus told a church in Revelation that they were “lukewarm” and basically made Him want to throw up because they were neither hot nor cold… like room-temp coffee… or worse, milk! Balance is not always good. Sometimes, balance is an excuse we use for compromising to laziness, fear, and disobedience to God. Because of that…

  • I would rather trust God for big things and endure criticism, than stay in my place of safety and never see God move.
  • I would rather do something now while the opportunity is ready, than talk about it until it no longer matters.
  • I would rather have an uncomfortable conversation with someone, than ignore the problem and hope it doesn’t get worse.
  • I would rather try too hard, than not hard enough.
  • I would rather be misunderstood than ignored.
  • I would rather give everything than give a “token” gift.
  • I would rather be too tired than too comfortable.

I always hate it in baseball or softball when a batter gets strike three watching a pitch. As if they’re afraid of the consequences of taking a rip at it. Yes, there’s a chance you could miss. But you always miss 100% of the pitches you never swing at. Get in the game! Do something significant! Risk too much, not too little! Wouldn’t you rather?



The phrase no pain, no gain has been a mantra for athletes and fitness junkies for years. And what they understand about physical pain needs to be broadened to a much more general use in all of our lives. Pain hurts. That's the whole problem. No one enjoys it, and if someone does, we rightfully

The Premium of Pain