John Markum

The Sin of my Generation

Gen sinEvery generation has it’s pitfalls. And every previous generation is acutely aware of the next generation’s short-comings. Because of this, my generation seems to rebel against the criticism that comes from those in our parents’ and grandparents’ era. But regardless of the source pointing it out, adults between 25-40 are in danger of reaping the consequences of a severe generation-wide transgression.

The sin of my generation is entitlement.

Each generation’s experiences influence the next generation. My grandparents’ generation (those 60+) were strict, hard working, and learned to get by on little and be happy with it. Because of that influence, my parents’ generation (45-60) inherited much of their parents’ strong work ethic, but were determined to give their children opportunities and advantages that they never had. Out of love for their kids, they worked very hard to provide and make sure that their children had it “better” than they did. Our generation (25-40) grew up learning to take those advantages for granted, and their parents began to complain about how easy their kids had in comparison to their own childhood.

And so now we have an entire generation of adults who largely expect the world to provide the same advantages their parents gave them, which were thanklessly received but seldom earned. As a result, we see prolonged adolescence. Men “grow up” still milking their parents financially well into their 30’s. Grandparents are raising their grandchildren. Government assistance such as welfare, food-stamps, and housing are higher than they ever have been in our country. A “broken home” used to refer to a family that went through a divorce. But there are now more homes that were never whole to begin with.

If you fall within the demographics I’m describing, you might be beginning to protest. Before you go there, remember that I’m one of you. I’m speaking about the problems we’re dealing with as an insider. And no, we’re not all suffering from a self-centered sense of entitlement. Yet this is the pervasive problem of today’s American young adults. And to be fair, perhaps you are one of the multiple thousands of our time who did not have such a great advantage while growing into your adult years. But if you lean on those disadvantages as an excuse for not making something of yourself, then you are still suffering from entitlement.

The longer we – as a generation – continue to delay adulthood by clinging onto the sippy cup of our childhood that we used to have or didn’t feel we had, the more egregious our sin. We are committing a crime to ourselves, each other, and most of all, to our children’s generation by maintaining an attitude of entitlement.

So snap out of it! I’m not against you. I AM YOU. We’re in this together. And there is a huge responsibility laying upon us to make a difference and contribute something significant to this world. To whom much is given, much shall be required. I’ll post more on this subject later in my next post.

Blessings,Pastor John

Where Religion Fails

The biggest thing that God has taught me in 20+ years of following Jesus, is the most basic:

It’s not about what I do. It’s about who He is.

The implications of this simple thought, however, are far-reaching and profound. You see, religion, of any flavor, is a human attempt to appease a Deity(ies). It’s biggest question ultimately is “How do I not get in trouble?” This is why getting churched-up doesn’t change your life for the positive.

Getting religious only demonstrates how broken and far from God we are. It accentuates our failures and minimizes our successes. And no one stays in that situation for long… unless they fake it. And those who are not willing to fake it begin to see the hypocrisy of those who are. Eventually they come to the conclusion that religion is full of fakers. Sadly, they are correct.

But God knew our broken status and our inability to affect lasting change. His solution was not “do these things and not those things.” Instead it was “Come unto Me all you who are weary and heavy burdened… You’ll find rest for your soul.” You see, it’s not about what you do. It’s about who He is. The best thing we can do, is get close to the Person who makes change happen in our lives for His glory and our good.

Try as you may, you can’t chase away the shadows from your life. So stop attempting to clean your act up and just open the blinds and let the Light come pouring in. And interestingly enough, as we get closer to Jesus, and farther from a list of Do’s-and-Do-Not’s, the darkness that once entangled us becomes far less appealing. We do not overcome our faults by trying harder than we’ve ever tried. We overcome by drawing close to the One who overcame for us.



Honor the Sabbath

In Exodus 20, God commands the people of Israel to “Honor the Sabbath day and keep it holy.” Ever since, there has been confusion as to what exactly He meant by that.

First of all, the word holy simply means “set apart.” And God even tells us in Exodus 20:11 the exact reason for telling us to “set apart” one day per week:

“For in six days the Lord made the heavens, the earth, the sea, and everything in them; but on the seventh day He rested. That is why the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and set it apart as holy.”

Bottom line: Don’t try to out work God. Take time to slow down, recharge, and focus on the important things. Like God, family, health, and your sanity.

By the time you get to the New Testament, the religious leaders of Jesus time had created hundreds of laws regarding how to “Honor the Sabbath.” When they find Jesus doing everything from healing the sick and getting food on the Sabbath day, they totally lose it! Jesus points out that any of them would pull their ox out of a ditch on the Sabbath, but they cry foul when Jesus healed a cripple man. How does that make sense?

In our crazy-paced, American, consumerism mentality, it is so easy for us to use busyness as an excuse for everything:

  • Sorry I didn’t make it to your wedding. I had to work.
  • Sorry I was late for work. I had a doctors appointment.
  • Sorry I was late for my appointment. My babysitter took forever to get there.
  • Sorry I need you to watch my kids early, I have a bunch of errands to run.

I’ve heard the full gambit of reasons that people put God on hold. But God doesn’t just want you to make time with Him a priority. He wants you to make time for yourself.

Do you have a regular, weekly day to escape the crazy break-neck pace of life? If not, how long do you expect to make it at this pace? Even if it doesn’t kill you, how much are you actually enjoying life, and all the gifts of God has given you to slow down and enjoy from time to time?

“Man was not made for the Sabbath day, but the Sabbath day for man.” – Jesus (Mark 2:27)

Take one day a week even if it’s not Saturday. Slow down. Appreciate what you’ve accomplished in the past week. Prepare yourself for the next week. God wants you to chill.



The phrase no pain, no gain has been a mantra for athletes and fitness junkies for years. And what they understand about physical pain needs to be broadened to a much more general use in all of our lives. Pain hurts. That's the whole problem. No one enjoys it, and if someone does, we rightfully

The Premium of Pain