John Markum

A Church called “LifeCity”

LC VISION“We will launch LifeCity Church so the people of the South Bay will fully experience life in Christ.”

That is the vision behind the name we chose for our new church plant to the South Bay area of San Jose, CA. But to me and the Launch Team going with my family and I, this is so much more than a cute line to put on a website. This vision statement is our battle-cry. It is the singular, unifying passion behind LifeCity Church. Let me break it down for you how we see it:

So the people of the South Bay…

Over 65% of the population of the South Bay are under the age of 45. We want to reach as many people as possible with the Gospel. But we also know that there is a specific demographic that we are best suited to connect with for the Kingdom. And young adults and their families are exactly who God has called us to focus on. Along those lines, we also see a huge need to reach 2nd and 3rd generation immigrants to the South Bay area.

…will fully experience…

Most of the people we know who came to Christ were brought to that point of decision during some experience: a youth camp, conference, life transition, etc. We will pour our efforts into creating powerful, dynamic worship experiences that communicate God’s Word with passion and creativity. But we want far more for the people of the South Bay than just attending a weekend service. We want them to fully experience life in Christ during the week through engaging small group communities.

…life in Christ.

It’s all about Jesus! In John 10:10, Christ said that he had come to give us “life, and life more abundantly.” When the Gospel touches a person, it impacts every part of their life! It soon begins to pour out of them and into their families, their job, and community. It is our vision as a church to unleash the power of the Gospel so the people of the South Bay, and around the world, will find such abundant life in Christ!

To learn more about the vision of LifeCity Church, visit our vision page of our website here.


Pastor John

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