John Markum

Difficult People

Everyone I know has at least one person in their life that causes them an extra amount of stress, frustration, and even discouragement. Let’s face it… some people are just difficult. And chances are that you have a few in your life who are especially high maintenance. Let’s choose to refer to them as EGR’s (Extra Grace Required)! So what do we do about the difficult people in our lives?

Well first of all, let’s be honest about one thing. The term difficult people is redundant. For every EGR in your life, you are likely to be the same for someone else. Because we all come to the table with our own set of difficulties, pasts, weaknesses, and desires. Any time you get a mix of several people in one place (like church) with all of these factors in mind, there brews a concoction for stress, arguing, cliches, outcasts, and hurt feelings.

You see this early on in the school system with kids who never eat at that table because “we don’t talk to them.” And that mentality carries all the way from junior high straight to adulthood. I’ve even heard people use it as an excuse for not going to church: “I’m not going to some church with all of these people who are so [fill in the blank]!”

Complaining about difficult people at church is much like complaining about all of the sick people in the hospital. If you don’t like them there, where would you suggest they go? So I have put together what I feel are a few key thoughts for dealing with the difficult people in your life.

  • Remember that they are on a process of growing to be like Christ. Some grow differently than others, and some have different issues. Help them through it (Galatians 6:1-3) .
  • Deal with your own rough edges. If you are the one having most of the conflicts with people, realize that the common denominator might be you. Be humble enough to realize that there could be places where you need to grow. In other words, stop thinking of people who need to read this blog, and apply some of this to yourself first (Romans 2:1-4)!
  • Seek peace. Scripture encourages us repeatedly to be peacemakers (Matthew 5:9), to accept an offense in order to attain peace (Colossians 3:13), and to do all we can short of sin to live peaceably with all people (Romans 12:16-18). Forgive when needed. Ask forgiveness when needed.
  • Choose your inner circle wisely. Just because they are part of your church family does not mean you have to be BFF’s (“Best Friends Forever” to those my generation or older). Stay closest to the people who lift you up and make you more like Christ (Proverbs 13:20), while not ignoring the others.
  • Don’t gossip. Just because you prefer some people less than others, does not give you permission to trash them to other people (Proverbs 18:6-7). In fact, do the opposite. Speak life about that person (Proverbs 18:20-21). Don’t be fake! But choose to build others up rather than tear them down. And don’t stress yourself over what others may or may not be saying about you. The truth always comes out, and the person talking smack always ends up looking much worse in the end.

God uses difficult people in our lives to grow us to be more like Him and to help others be more like Him also. Be gracious to them, even as God has been gracious to you. Remember: People are not our standard, Jesus is. Let’s focus on Him together.



4 Things I want to say to The Awakening

  1. You are a great church! Seeing your openness to what God wants to do in your lives, your willingness to take bold steps, your influence on your relationships for Christ, your passion in worship every week all make me feel like a very blessed Pastor. Thank you for following me as I follow Christ. We’re in this together!
  2. The summer time is always a very relaxed time of year. But it is also just as important to us as a church as other times in the year. While we are having some fun this summer, we are also preparing ourselves for what God wants to do in our church in the fall. Expect to hear a lot of vision as summer winds down, and be ready to follow where God leads us!
  3. This Saturday we begin a new series, “You Asked For It!” based on the several questions that YOU submitted to us. We hope to see everyone there at 6 with friends! For more info click here.
  4. Baptism Time! We are excited to see people take their next step of faith in Christ. July 16th you have the opportunity to take that step. I am personally available to anyone who wants to ask questions or might be ready to take the plunge!

See you soon!



Challenge #3: Share Christ

Edgewood Challenge #3: Share Christ: Lead one person to the Lord.

This is one that I am particularly excited about! This task may seem daunting to many of my readers so I want to give you 3 levels of evangelism and ask each of you to graduate through all 3 levels as you have opportunities to do so.

1) Pray

Anyone can pray. Make a short list of people that are already in your sphere of influence that are far from God and need to experience new life in Christ. Pray for them daily by name. Ask God to soften their heart and to give you the opportunity to take the next step with them.

2) Pursue

This requires you to open your mouth and say something to them. It only has to be as awkward as you want to make it. We offer invite cards to many of our services (including The Awakening on Saturday nights, and Elevate on Sunday mornings for teens). Use an invite card and simply say something like, “It would really mean a lot to me if you came to this with me this week. I hope you’ll at least consider it.” Maybe they will come. Maybe they’ll be impacted by the Gospel. Maybe they’ll give their life to Christ right then and there. Don’t underestimate the power of a sincere invitation. The “Pursue” level can be summed up in 2 words “Invest” in your relationships, and “Invite” them to a worship experience.

3) Pursuade

Given the opportunity, you should always be willing to “give an answer for the hope that is within you.” You don’t have to know a ton of Scripture, though knowing a few verses can definitely help. Bottom line though is share your faith-changing experience of when you came to Christ, and give them an opportunity to do the same. Edgewood is working on some classes in the near future to help you do that and feel less awkward about it. In the meantime, just tell them how you gave your life to Christ.

I believe that as our church becomes faithful in sharing Christ, that we will soon begin to hear countless stories of life change. How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news. Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!



The phrase no pain, no gain has been a mantra for athletes and fitness junkies for years. And what they understand about physical pain needs to be broadened to a much more general use in all of our lives. Pain hurts. That's the whole problem. No one enjoys it, and if someone does, we rightfully

The Premium of Pain