John Markum

The Cost to Planting a Church

Planting costI dislike using “need” to motivate people to give their money to something. I find that if it works at all, people usually only give out of guilt, and not usually more than once. I find that “vision” is not only a more compelling reason to motivate people to give, but it helps people understand the impact that their giving is making. But as I prepare to launch LifeCity Church, I realize that most people are simply unaware of the cost of planting a church.

The fact of the matter is, this is the hardest and most difficult thing I have ever done. If it were not for the confidence I have that God is calling us to do this, I would never attempt such an otherwise intimidating challenge.

Most people don’t realize this, but assuming the task of “Church Planter” does not come with a guaranteed paycheck. Humanly speaking, church plants are financially dependent on God moving in people and churches to financially support the work of that church plant. And we are convinced that since God has called us to reach the people of the South Bay, that He will bring the finances through whatever sources He chooses to work in.

And yet it is my task as the one God has called to lead this church, to call God’s people to financially support God’s program. If you attend an established church, there are likely multiple costs that you haven’t taken the time to think about. For instance, at most churches, you walk through the doors and someone hands you a bulletin, pamphlet, worship guide, or some piece of printed information about the church, the service, or whatever’s coming up. That piece of paper cost money. Money that comes from an established, fairly predictable, and consistent giving of the people attending there. The same can be said of the equipment to run the children’s ministry. And the sound system. And chairs, lights, coffee, video screens, projectors, computers, music (yes, that costs money), advertising – oh yes, and a building to meet in! Those things cost money, that usually came from the regular giving of it’s members.

But a church plant starts off with just a church planter and his family – a man compelled to answer God’s calling to take the Gospel to another area where people are in need of the life-changing difference that Christ alone can make.

And that takes – you guessed it – money. Much like a missionary to a foreign field, church plants, such as LifeCity Church, require the financial generosity of other Christ-followers.

Here are some of the costs that we are facing as we move to the South Bay to launch LifeCity Church. I share these numbers with you mostly because it has become so obvious to me that most people don’t realize the actual expense of what God has called us to do:

  • Rent for a 3 bedroom apartment: $2,500/month (I have a family of six!)
  • Rent for a movie theater with seating for 200: $600-$1,000/weekly
  • Sound board: $3,000 – $16,000 (depending – new or used, etc.)
  • Video projectors: $1,200 – $3,600 each
  • Children’s and Nursery equipment: $1,000 – $3,000
  • Bible study materials for 50 people: $500+

I think you’re getting the idea… ministry takes money. God doesn’t magically drop sound systems from the sky. Meeting places do not typically open their doors for a church to meet there weekly for free. Our target area has some of the most expensive real estate in the entire country.

Many would-be planters have shied away from this area because the costs to provide for a family are scary – let alone, starting a church! But we know that God never gives resources without responsibility, and He never gives responsibility without resources.

And so we are calling to you, to consider giving financially to LifeCity Church. Every person, church, or business that contributes financially to LifeCity is becoming a co-laborer with us for God’s Kingdom in the South Bay. Every life touched by our church plant with the Gospel is a return on your investment. You’re not just helping us buy equipment, meeting space, etc. You’re financing God’s Kingdom – an investment that always brings huge dividends.

Click here to setup safe online giving through our sending agency, Converge PacWest. There you can make one-time gifts, or setup automatic recurring giving of any amount.

You can also click here to see more about how we are specifically challenging people to give to LifeCity Church.

To everyone who chooses to step out on faith and give, we are grateful that you are answering the call to be part of a move of God in the South Bay! From the bottom of our hearts, thank you…

Pastor John

The phrase no pain, no gain has been a mantra for athletes and fitness junkies for years. And what they understand about physical pain needs to be broadened to a much more general use in all of our lives. Pain hurts. That's the whole problem. No one enjoys it, and if someone does, we rightfully

The Premium of Pain